Our aim as a Parish Mission Group is to support the Parish Priest of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church Horsham in the work of the New Evangelisation. In particular, the group meets monthly to discuss, suggest and promote initiatives in the following areas of parish life:

Renewal of the catechetical and liturgical life of the parish in obedience to the perennial teaching of the Magisterium and its texts (including the Catechism of the Catholic Church and The Roman Missal).

The aim is to deepen our parish’s knowledge and love for the Catholic Faith and the liturgy with an emphasis on prayer and formation in accord with the norms of the Church and on formation of our parish youth.

Unity as a parish family and in particular exploration of ways to bring the parish and its schools together through parish events, liturgies and social encounters. This is so as to break down barriers between different groups and make the parish a more welcoming community united in its diversity.

Outreach to lapsed Catholics, non-Catholics and non-Christians both through Ecumenical and inter-Faith initiatives but also through evangelisation including initiatives aimed at inviting lapsed Catholics back to full Communion as well as apologetics aimed at a broader evangelisation of the community.

Charity in Action within the community with a renewed emphasis on local initiatives aimed at relieving poverty and working with the most vulnerable in society including the homeless, refugees, the sick and elderly and the lonely.

For more information on the work of the Parish Mission Group or if you have suggestions for the Group to consider in its discussions please contact the Parish Office via email headed “Parish Mission Group”.
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